外研版英语《Module 6 A trip to the zoo》课件.ppt





1. It doesn’t eat meat. 2. The tiger lives in Asia. 3. —Does it eat meat? —No, it doesn’t. It eats plants. Look at the pictures. What can you see? bear elephant giraffe lion monkey panda zebra tiger Look at the pictures. Ask and answer. Name: Meimei From: Yuannan, China Favourite food: fruit — Does Meimei the elephant come from Yuannan, China? — Yes, it does. Name: Kingba From: Asia Favourite food: meat — Does Kingba the tiger come America? — No, it doesn’t. It comes from Asia. — What is Kingba’s favourite food? — Meat. Complete the sentences with does or doesn’t. 1. — _________ this panda come from China? — Yes, it ________. 2. — ________ this panda eat fish? — No, it _______. Does Does does doesn’t 3. — _________ this monkey like fruit? — Yes, it ______. 4. — ________ this monkey live in
