人教PEP四年级上册英语《Unit 1 A Let's learn 》教学课件.pptx





PEP 3 Unit 1 My classroom英语·人教版·四年级上Let’s readLook and answerWhat’s in the classroom?Let’s learnLet’s learnclassroom['kl?sru?m] blackboard [?bl?kb?rd] window['w?ndo?] cturepiLet’s learnpicture ['p?kt??r] ngtliLet’s learnlight [la?t] oodrLet’s learndoor [d??r] Let’s play TV Let’s learnOpen the door Turn on the light. Close the window Clean the blackboard Put up the picture. Let’s learnclean the…A new classroomcleanthe blackboard Let’s learncleanLet’s learn一节课学完自然拼读一学期的课程clean the windowclean the blackboardLet’s learnopenLet’s learncloseLet’s learnclose the window open the window Let’s learnclose the door open the door Let’s learnturn onLet’s learnturn on the lightturn on the lightLet’s learnput onLet’s learnput up the pictureLet’s learnOpen the door Turn on the light. Close t
