人教版Unit 7 How much are Section B (2a-3b)(获奖课件).ppt





Section B (2a-3b);11 ________ 12 ______

13 _________ 14 _________

15 ______ 16 ________

17 _________ 18 _______

19 _________ 20 _______

30 ______ 40 _____

21 ___________ 26 __________

32 ___________ 38 ___________;单词展示;clothes;课文展现;1. a skirt ___ 3. socks ___ 5. shorts __

2. a sweater ___ 4. trousers ___

6. shoes __;Read the ad and fill the price tags. ;$22;You: Hello, can I help you?

Girl: Yes, please. I need a skirt.

You: How about these purple skirts?

Girl: Oh, I like this one. How much is it?

You: It’s only twenty dollars.

Girl: Oh, good. I’ll take it.

You: And what do you need?

Boy: Well, I need a pair of black shoes for school. ;You: What about this pair? They are only twenty-eight dollars.

Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too?

You: Yes, our shorts are only sixteen dollars.

Boy: O
