City of Life and Death《南京!南京!(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx





Suburban Nanking 1937 南京的郊外 1937年 July 7th 1937. The war between China and Japan is breaking out at Marco Polo Bridge in Northern... 1937年7月7日 中国和日本军队在中国 北部卢沟桥爆发了全面战争… Rainstone Nanking specialty 美丽的雨花石 南京特产 August 13th 1937. The Japanese troops are attacking Nanking today and facing a stuff resistance from the Chinese army. 1937年8月13日 日本军队开始进攻上海 中国♥军♥队和日本军队发生激战 Jiming Temple Nanking Autumn 1937 鸡鸣寺 秋天的南京 1937年 December 12nd 1937. Shanghai is falling. The Japanese army is moving to its next target, the Chinese capital Nanking. 1937年11月12日 上海被日本军占领 日本军队的下一个目标 中国的首都 南京… City war of Nanking with a history of thousands of years 南京的城墙 有千年的历史 The Chinese government has retreated. The Japanese army is arriving at the gates of Nanking. 当日本军队攻到南京城下的时候 中国政♥府&hear
