人教PEP版六年级英语上册《Recycle 1》全单元教学课件优秀公开课课件.pdf





人教PEP版六年级英语上册 Recycle 1 全单元精品教学课件

人 教 P E P版 英 语 六 年 级 上 册 Recycle 1 第一课时

Warm up Sing a song: Where is the hospital? Lead in

Can you read the words? hospital cinema post office bookstore

Can you read the words? turn left go straight turn right crossing

Presentation Wu Yifan is going to visit his grandparents. Where is Wu Yifan now? He is on the street. What can you see on the street?

Listen and circle.

Look at these pictures and fill in the blanks. First g o s t r a i g h t . Then . turn left At the traffic lights . turn left

Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Are they going by bus or on foot? On foot. 2. When are they going? At 9:00.

听力原文: Yi fan: Robin, how do we get to my grandparents’ new house from here? Can you use your GPS? Robin: Sure. First, go straight. Then turn left. At
