北师大版必修一优化课件:Unit 1 Section Ⅰ Warm-up & Lesson 1 A Perfect Day.ppt





switch on   接通,开(用电器) switch off 切断(电流等) switch over 交换位置,转换 [归纳拓展] ①More shoppers are making the switch to organic food. 更多的人开始改变买有机食品。 ②Don't forget to __________the radio. 不要忘了关掉收音机。 switch off [点津] 各种“开”、“关”的不同译法: 开/关门、窗、盒子等:open/close/shut the door/window/box 开/关收音机、电视、电灯等:switch on/off the radio/TV/light 开/关收音机、水龙头、煤气阀等:turn on/off the radio/water/gas 5.complain vi.抱怨,投诉 [教材原文] My family complains about it. 我的家人对此总是抱怨。 (1)complain(to sb.)about sth. (向某人)抱怨某事 complain that 抱怨 (2)complaint n. 抱怨,埋怨 make a complaint about/of sb./sth. 对……抱怨,对……提出投诉 [归纳拓展] ①You are always _______________having no chance of being promoted. 你总是抱怨自己没有得到升职的机会。 ②She complained to me about her husband's laziness. 她向我抱怨丈夫懒惰。 ③Neighbours complained about the dog's barking to the police. 邻居因为狗叫扰民向警察
