小学英语_鲁科版三(下)Unit 1 Food and Drinks Lesson 4 Again, please!教学课件设计.ppt





This weekend, we will have a picnic(去野餐). OK! Let’s go to the supermarket(超市) first! 拓展延伸 Overcome the difficulties, then let’s enjoy the beautiful spring !(闯关成功,跟我去领略春天的美丽吧) 英语儿歌 How are you 标清—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看.flv Round 1: Let’s talk Task 1: Listen and answer. 1.Does Guo Yang like bread? No, he doesn’t. 2. Would Li Ming like some juice? Yes, he likes some apple juice. Task 2: Listen and repeat. 头脑风暴: 快速说出你所知道的食品及饮料类单词,越多越好。(一生说一个,不可重复) spring summer autumn winter fall Round 2 单词关 Task 1:Listen and number. (听录音,给单词标号) Task 2:Listen and repeat. (听录音,并跟读) Task 3 :Let’s read.(小组合作学习) 你可以选择任意一关、任意方式接龙读,齐读,组长领读,男女生分别读。 评价标准 1. 准确流利。(Good) ☆ 2. 准确流利、语音语调自然、展示形式新颖。(Wonderful) ☆ ☆ egg, bread, milk, fish, orange, juice, chicken, rice, vegetables. egg rice coffee milk apple Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词
