2022年冀教版八下U6 L31 Don’t Fall,Danny课件 .ppt





;Unit 6 Be a Champion;Think about it!;Guinness World Records(吉尼斯世界纪录大全) is a very famous book.

It records all kind of interesting world records.

The first one of this book was published in 1954.;Liu Xiang broke the world record of the

110-metre hurdle race on July 12, 2006.;It holds a world record of the longest cartoon.

This record has been written in The Guinness Book of World Records(吉尼斯世界纪录). ;2021年2月2日在中央电视台春节晚上同时转动呼啦圈305个,并坚持了23秒,再次刷新由金琳琳自己保持的吉尼斯世界纪录。 ;The world record of standing on one foot is 8 hours.

Can Danny set a new world record? Can he become a champion ?;Words & expressions;Listen to the dialogue.; Danny: Hi Brian. I have been standing on one foot for more than three minutes. I want to break a world record. Do you know what the record is? Brian: (He looks in his book.)
