9.第九章 中国的国粹.pptx





第九章 中国的国粹

Chinese Quintessence;01.; 书法是汉字的书写艺术。也可以说是用毛笔写汉字的艺术。对于中国和一些受中国文化影响的国家来说,书法独有其妙。在中国艺术史上,书法和绘画具有同等重要的地位。自古以来汉字书法都因其美学价值而获得欣赏,现在它被视为一种艺术形式。书法不仅仅注重于书写的方法,在书写的过程中也注重怡养性情和旷达胸怀。 In China, calligraphy refers to the art of writing Chinese characters with a brush. In the history of Chinese art, calligraphy has always been held in equal importance to painting. From ancient times to the present Chinese calligraphy was appreciated for its aesthetic quality, and today it is regarded as one form of art. Chinese calligraphy focuses not only on methods of writing but also on cultivating one’s character and is taught as a pursuit of lofty spiritual realm.; 甲骨指的是用来刻写占卜文字的龟甲兽

骨。甲骨文指的是??写在动物骨头上的汉字。 Oracle bone script was one of the forms

of Chinese character written on animals bones.

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