




How old is Candy Wang? Why did she begin to sing? Read again and answer the questions. She is 19 years old. She took up singing to deal with her shyness. 3. What does Candy think about being famous? 4. What does she think you require to succeed? There are many good things, but also bad things. You require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed. What can we learn from Candy to deal with our problems? She used to be shy, but now she’s not shy __________. She didn’t use to be ________ in school, but now she gets lots of attention. She used to _________ with friends, but it is almost impossible now. She didn’t use to ___________ how she appears to others, but now she does. 3b Read and complete the sentences about Candy. anymore popular hang out be careful 1. … took up singing to deal with he
