人教PEP版三年级英语上册《Unit 3 Part A 第一课时》教学课件优秀公开课.pptx





人 教 PEP 版 英 语 三 年 级 上 册Unit 3 Look at me!Part ALet’s talk & Let’s playWarm upChant to say hello.Hello, Sarah, hi, hi, hi.Hello, Mike, hi, hi, hi. Hello, John, hi, hi, hi.Hello, Chen Jie, hi, hi, hi.Lead inGood morning!Good morning!Who’s she?Say good morning to her. Who’s he?Say good morning to him.Sing with me.Good morning to you. Good morning to you.Good morning, boys and girls, good morning to you.Let’s talkPresentationWhat are they talking about?Let’s watch the video.Who are they?They are birds, Chen Jie and Mike.Watch again and answer. How is Chen Jie? She is fine.Where do they go? They go to school.学校Listen and read after it.How are you?Good morning.I’m fine, thank you. Let’s go to school!Good morning.OK!Language points1. —How are you?—I’m fine. Thank you.【详解】这是一句较正式的问候用语,常用于朋友或熟人
