




How tasteless is this? I think they even used real meteor rock. 真是没品味 我想他们是用真的陨石做的 The American version of closure. 这就是美国版的收尾 You can only get over your grief... 想走出悲伤吗?… ...when you can merchandise your tragedy. 请购买♥♥造成悲剧的商品 Cotton candy. Come on. 棉花糖 快点去买♥♥ Hi. One cotton candy, please. 嗨,我要一枝棉花糖 Sometimes I think it'd be nice to get away from all this. 有的时候,我会觉得 如果能远离这一切就好了 Maybe Clark was right. Just leave it all behind. 也许克拉克说得对 遗忘过去吧 We almost went an entire day without mentioning our favorite farm boy. 我们差点就可以一整天 不提我们最爱的那个农家男孩了 Sorry. I didn't mean to throw a wet towel over our girls' day out. 抱歉,我不是有意在 我们出进的日子故意扫兴 It's okay. I just feel I should take this moment... 没关系,我只是觉得 我应该把握这个机会… state something very obviou
