




Louise McCallum... 露意丝麦克隆… one ever really said much about her. 没有什么人提过她 Just that I had a great-aunt who died young. 她只是我一个 很早过世的姨婆 I'm guessing they never mentioned she had a husband. 我猜没人提过她有个丈夫 No, but I don't think you can blame them. 是,但也不能责怪大家 You were convicted of her murder. Yeah. 你是被判谋杀她的人 是的 If you were so anxious to see me, why'd you wait all these years to write? 如果你那么急着见我 为何等这么久才来信? Your Aunt Nell, she asked me not to. 你的阿姨妮尔阻止我的 I don't mean to be rude, Mr. McCallum... 恕我无礼 麦克隆先生… ...but even if I did believe your story, I don't know what you want me to do. 就算我相信你的故事 我还是不知道你要我做什么 I just need somebody in Louise's family to know I truly loved my wife... 我只是希望露意丝的家人 了解我是很爱我太太的… ...and I'm not the man who killed her. 我不是杀死她的人 Louise! 露意丝!
