四年级英语下册Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday外研版 (2).ppt





Guessing game: 用“Did they go to...”猜一猜外星人去了哪里? Did they go to …? Yes, they did. Did they go to …? Yes, they did. No, I didn't. you Did you have a nice holiday? I Did they go to …? you Did you visit Nanning Zoo? Did you go by bus ? bike car Did they like the people on the earth? Why?(他们喜欢地球人吗?为什么?) Activity 1 Did they like the people? Why? Yes, beacause they were very nice. Watch and answer. Activity 1 Listen, point and imitate. (跟读,模仿语音语调。) Listen and answer. Where did Xiaoyong go? (小勇去了哪里度假?) He went to Hangzhou. go - went (过去式) Watch and choose.(完成下列选择题。) ( )1.Where did he go in Hangzhou? A.the West Lake B.the Great Wall ( )2.Did he go by train? A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didn’t. ( )3.Did he see his friend Lili? A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didn’t. ( )1.Where did he go in Hangzhou? A.the We
