新目标人教版九年级英语Unit13 Section B课件.ppt





A: We really shouldn’t use paper napkins, you know. B: I know. I stopped using them last year. Make a conversation using the information from the chart above. Say what is true for you. 1e * 最全版 教学计划 A: We really should take our own bag when go shopping. B: I know. I have a set of bags of different sizes, so every time I choose biger one or smaller one when I go shopping, . * 最全版 教学计划 Look at the title and the pictures in 2b. Can you guess what the passage is about? 2a It's about how people can think of creative ways to use things that are no longer wanted. * 最全版 教学计划 Read the passage and complete the chart below. 2b UNDERSTANDING PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES Recognize how pre?xes and suf?xes may change the meanings of words and how they are used. * 最全版 教学计划 Do you often throw away things you
