




Language in Use;unpacking complex sentences

1. Look at the sentence from the passage The Eiffel Tower. The Crystal Palace, made of iron, erected for the 1851 Great Exhibition in London, covers the largest area; the Brooklyn Bridge, completed in steel in 1883, has the longest span; and the Eiffel Tower, made of steel and started in 1887, reaches the greatest height.;You can rewrite it in a diagram like this: ;Language in Use;Language in Use; Now rewrite the sentence from the passage The Eiffel

Tower in the diagram below. Bouguereau, the academic painter; Garnier, the architect of the Opéra; Dumas, Jr., the novelist; Gounod, the composer; Leconte de Lisle, the poet; Prudhomme, the essayist; Guy de Maupassant, the novelist, all signed a resounding letter of indignant protest to the Minister o
