2021年备考 河北专接本英语历年真题(附答案).doc





第 PAGE 1页 本试卷册共12页


Ⅰ. 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其它单词的划线部分读音不同,找出该单词。(10分)

A. sail B. tail C. chair D. failure

A. seize B. freight C. receive D. ceiling

A. rice B. wild C. mice D. dig

A. tool B. food C. loose D. wood

A. snow B. flow C. cow D. throw

A. public B. bullet C. sugar D. full

A. measure B. observe C. pleasure D. television

A. row B. own C. how D. bowed

A. warm B. harm C. park D. shark

A. pen B. fresh C. fever D. envelop

Ⅱ. 词汇与结构。下列每小题各有选项,请根据句子含义选择最佳答案。

11. The conference ______ a full week by the time it ends.

A. has lasted B. lasts C. will have lasted D. is lasted

I wish you_______ me yesterday .

A. tell B. could tell C. had told D. would tell

13. She insisted that what she had done _______ right.

A. was B. is C. be D. had been

By no means ________create or destroy en
