典范英语2b Lesson16Pond Dipping 课件.ppt





* L16故事导入: This is a ?—net/bucket. When you went fishing, you need them. * L16故事听跟读: Let's listen to the CD and repeat. Please pay attention how to do it, please eyes on book; ears to listen, finger to point, mouth to read out. Clear? * L16故事初步理解: Who were at the pond? * L16单词学习: Great, this time let’s listen and repeat and guess the words. 看看谁是我们今天的猜词大王! 看看我们哪一组的宝贝们更有气势,更有信心,read our slogan, Go! Wow,大家的猜词能力比上周有进步哦,Good job! * Look at the Chinese and say the English. Just now we listened and imitated the story. Now let’s review phonics. 进入到今天的抢分大赛。 * Let’s play a game! * L16故事理解输出: Where were the children? The children were in the pond. * What did they pull? ——They pulled the net. Could they pull ... out? ——They pulled out an old pram. * What was in the pram?—fish, frog or tadpole? At
