丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第六级 What Shall I Draw 课件.pptx






;What is she doing?;What is he doing?;What am I doing?;What is Straw doing?;What will he draw?;; ;What will Straw draw?;“… Food Chain!”;What does Straw draw

in the food chain?;C. strawberry; ; ;The lawn looks nice.

Perhaps I’ll draw some grass.;A cricket hops out and eats the grass.;Perhaps I‘ll draw the cricket.;A frog sticks its tongue out and catches the cricket.; ; ;Perhaps I’ll draw the snake.; ; ;“I saw so many things,” I say to Mrs Johns.;“… Food Chain!”;;G. lawn;The lawn looks nice.

Perhaps I’ll draw some grass.;A cricket hops out and eats the grass.;A frog sticks its tongue out and catches the cricket.; ;A hawk swoops down and takes away the snake.;hard= not easy;;Listen and Follow; ; ;;;;;;;I draw a food chain.;What do others draw?;;lawn;1. Choose one picture and s
