




1b Practice the conversation Julie: Let’s see the _________. John: Why do you like them? Julie: Because they’re ________ interesting. John: Where are they from? Julie: They’re from________. 1 掌握所学动物名词及描述性词。 2 句型: (1) Let’s do sth. (2) Why do you like...? Because they are (3)Where are they from ? They are from ….. . 3 短语:want to do sth. kind of * Section A (1a-2c) Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 七年级人教新目标下册 No. 2 Middle School Yu Jianling 学习目标: 熟练掌握本课单词,其中包括8个动物名词,3个形容词. 2. 掌握句型:Why do you like + 动物? Because they are + 形容词. 预习初步感知 tiger elephant panda giraffe koala lion cat 老虎 大象 熊猫 长颈鹿 考拉熊 狮子 猫 cute lazy smart beautiful scary tall friendly shy 可爱的 懒惰的 聪明的 美丽的 吓人的 高大的 友好的 害羞的 lion elephant tiger giraffe panda cat koala No, I’m a pet. We’re all animals. Australia leg Africa south sleep kind cu
