卡乐公司产品冷冻行业basics and products for cold rooms.pptx





BASICS and PRODUCTS for cold roomsStefano BaldoniRev.1.001/09/2011Main topicsCold rooms: features, applications, market nichesCAREL solutions for cold roomsMain topicsCold rooms: features, applications, market nichesCAREL solutions for cold roomsCold roomsThese are insulated rooms measuring anywhere from less than one to 100 or more cubic metres, used for temporary of storage perishable or frozen foodstuffs, livestock, plants or flowers, etc. both commercially, often in small stores, or for distribution or industrial production applications.Cold rooms: classificationsDepending on the type of foods or installation, cold rooms can be divided into:Medium temperature cold rooms (>0°C, e.g. conservation of fruit and vegetables)Low temperature cold rooms (<0°C, e.g. conservation of meat)St
