




2017 九年级人教版英语各单元重点短语、句型


I. by doi ng sth通过做某事 2. ask sb. for help请求某人的帮助

3. be patie nt 耐心点儿 4..improve on eSspeak ing skills 提髙某人说的能力

5. read aloud 大声朗读 6. spoke n En glish=oral En glish英 语口语

7. have conv ersati ons with sb 与 某人交谈 8. liste n to tapes听 磁带

9. make word cards制 作单词卡 10. make mistakes in gramma 犯语法错误

II. make senten ces with用 造句 12. the secret to Ian guage learni n语言学习的诀窍

13. be afraid to do sth./ of sth不 敢做某事 14. fall in love with...爱上(fell, falle n)

15. body Ian guage肢 体语言 16. take notes记笔记(took, take n)

17.learning habits 学习习惯 18. have sth. in common有...共同点

19. pay attention to (doing )sth注意(paid) 20. connect …with 把与联系起来

21. write down key words 摘抄重点词 22. in class在课堂上 after class课后

23. be interestedin …对 感兴趣= take an interestin …

24. do sth. onone' own 独立做某事 2
