




;;Watch & Discuss; Sample: As students, we should add more weight to the points as follows:

1) We must enrich ourselves with special knowledge in order to devote more of our love to our nation as well as to our mothers.

2) We must refine our taste for life by taking part in healthy activities—voluntary labor, social practice, and Project Hope—so as to find more in common with those with a good heart.; Text analysis: Main idea Text understanding

;____ Paras. 1—2;A. The Way to Develop This Passage:;Paragraphs;Typical Expressions for Narrating;General Point + Examples;Example 1;Paragraph 11 = General Point + ;The General Point :;1. How did the writer feel to be seen with his father when he was young? Why?;3. Why can going to work be a matter of pride?;6. What is a proper standard to judge
