外研版七年级上册英语教学课件Module 4 Unit 1.pptx





New Words Study 2mins;Module4 Healthy food;Come on! Work hard to get prizes!

;Learning aims1min;;Let's play. 1mins;food;Amy is coming for dinner. Betty and her mum are

talking about things they have got有/haven’t got没有 . ;apples juice

beans milk

beef oranges

carrots potatoes

chicken tea

coffee tomatoes

cola water; Let’s listen and choose the correct answer.

;;1. Read after the tape.跟录音读 2. Practise with your partner in your group. 小组练习

3. Play the roles.角色扮演;Please ask me “Have you got any …?”.

;Ask your groupmates组员 “Have we got any …?;Role-play: ;Let’s learn to play roles 1mins;Step 4 Post-listening;Step 4 Post-listening;An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  一天一苹果,疾病远离我.;Let’s go shopping for …

How about …

— Have we got any …?

— Yes, we’ve got some …

— No, we haven’t. We haven’t go
