




Previously on "Killjoys"... 扫兴者 前情提要 Jaq and I have been makingactual plans. 我跟雅各在制定实际的计划呢 Did you get it? And you're sure 好了吗 你确定 that's everything we need? Jaq's long gone. 我们只需要这些吗 雅各已经不在了 Jaq's safer being far awayfrom us he's not a priority. 雅各离我们远一点更安全 他不是现在的首要任务 I missed you, angry ginger. Gah! 我想死你了 愤怒的金格 We need to wake up Westerley. Yeah, starting with Gared. 我们要尽快唤醒威斯利 嗯 从杰拉德开始 He's safer in the dark. 他在暗处更安全 We came here to stir shit upand blow shit up. 我们是来火上浇油 炸东西的 How many shipswere destroyed? 多少艘飞船被坏掉了 How many? 多少 30% of your West seeding fleet. 西部播种舰队的百分之三十 We have a rebellion.Find out who's awake. 我们之中有个叛徒 找出谁还醒着 Welcome to my supermax. 欢迎来到我的超级监狱 I've been hearing rumorsthat there's a hit planned 我一直听人说 有人要袭击一位 on a
