





Unit 1

Useful Expressions

Text A 1. 一阵烟雾 1. a haze of smoke 2. 刺激的经历 2. stimulating experience 3. 将······变成 3. Transform … into 4. 激进的政治氛围 4. the atmosphere of political radicalism 5. 持不同意见的少数人 5. dissident minority 6. 暴力冲突 6. violent clashes 7. 与······联盟 7. form an alliance with 8. 发动了一场大罢工 8. launch a general strike 9. 创造意识的觉醒 9. creative awakening 10. 实现 ······目标 10. achieve one ’s aim of 11. 全民重视的话题 11. a topic of great national importance 12. 辍学 12. drop out 13. 令人头脑发热的气氛 13. the heady atmosphere 14. 从高到低的顺序 14. in descending order 15. 就业前景 15. employability prospects 16. 实现目的的手段 16. a means to an end 17. ······日子一去不复返了 17. Gone are the days when 18. 同道好友 18. like-minded friends 19. 热爱 ······ 19. have a passion for 20. 与······的距离缩小 20. The gap between … and … has shrunk
