




Unit 7 It is the polite thing to do 【复习】 成功的 _________ 出售过去式 _________ 当作 ________ 没错 _______________ 把…变成 __________________ 感到厌烦__________________ 输掉比赛__________________ 【词汇必会】

方法_______________ 态度_______________ 礼貌_______________

座位_______________ 没礼貌的_____________ 队_______________

推_______________ 满的_______________ 大笑_______________

当…时候_______________ 现学现卖

1. 请选择 1) We should always be polite to others and have good_________. A. manner B. impolite C. laugh D. when 2) I fell down because he _________ me. A. laug B. pus C. full D. pushed 3) _________ the old lady got on the bus, I stood up and gave her my seat. A. full B. laug C. pus D. as 4) I like your idea, but not your_________. A. manner B. impolite C. laugh D. when 5) You should always wait in _________ when you are paying money i
