




9B Unit 3 Robots Revision Lead-- in 思维导图 How could robots help us? help with homework explore outer (1) do dangerous jobs like out fires or working on high buildings help with housework help look after family (3) 1._________2.__________3.__________4.___________5_________ 6._________7.__________8.__________9.__________10._________ Good points of having a robot With the robot’s help, I will have more time to (4) . It can make breakfast for me in the morning. It can iron my clothes. It can go shopping at the supermarket if I am busy. It can (5) up after dinner. My flat will look as good as new. In (6) , it will satisfy y needs. Bad (7) of having a robot If the robot catches a virus, it will cause many (8) . It might wake me up early in the morning. It might (9) my food on the bed. It might st
