(临沂专版)2018中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 八下 第12讲 Unit 1-2课件.pptx





第一(dìyī)部分 系统复习 成绩基石;第 12 讲 Unit 1-Unit 2;要点梳理(shūlǐ)过关;第四页,共31页。;第五页,共31页。;Ⅰ.词形(cí xínɡ)转换

1.[2017·临沭一模]The news made his girlfriend __excited__.(excite)

2.We need two more new __knives__.(knife)

3.I felt very sorry to hear of that old man’s __death__.(die)

4.His father had a bad __toothache__ two weeks ago.


5.Mr.White made a __decision__ to visit the Great Wall with his family.(decide);6.He is a famous __climber__.Do you know where he is from?(climb)

7.[2017·沂水一模]In his book,Aron tells of the __importance__ of making good decisions.(important)

8.I always have some __difficulties__ in learning English.(difficult)

9.The __owner__ of the dog is an old man.(own)

10.The Internet makes a big __difference__ to our life.(different);Ⅱ.单项填空(tiánkòng)

11.She lived __B__in a small village,bu
