自考英语(二)Unit 9课件.ppt





Text A 300 Hurdles give up to stop trying to do sth 投降;认输;放弃 They gave up without a fight. 他们不战而降。 She doesn't give up easily. 她决不轻易认输。 I give up─tell me the answer. 我放弃了,把答案告诉我吧。 Text A 300 Hurdles You may?fall over that "hurdle"?or struggle getting over it, but somehow you find it in yourself to jump over it and move on with the race. 也许你会被跨栏绊倒,也许你会很艰难地跨过它,但无论怎样你克服了这些困难,然后继续进行这场比赛。 Text A 300 Hurdles Next is that last 100m of the race. You feel as though you just want to say, "No I can't do this." 接下来是整个比赛的最后100米,你也许只想说:“不,我无法跑完最后100米。” Text A 300 Hurdles Again, you must find it in yourself that you can do it, and you must finish the race stronger than when you had started it. 但你必须要再告诫自己你一定能做到,而且必须在快结束的时候比刚开始比赛时跑得更快。 Text A 300 Hurdles Now lastly is the last
