




Hello, there, little girl. You know, I'm about to close, 你好呀 小美女 你看 我正准备关门呢 But for you, sweetheart, I'll make an exception, all right? 但是为了你 小甜心 我可以例外一下哟 Last haircut of the day. 今天最后一单生意 No, thank you. I'm here 'cause I'm selling cookies. 不用了 谢谢 我是来卖♥♥饼干的 Yeah, I can't hear you, sweetheart. Sorry. 啥 听不见你说啥 小甜心 不好意思 That's weird. I thought elves loved cookies. 奇怪了 我还以为小矮人爱吃饼干呢 This is ridiculous. I only made 60 bucks today. 太离谱了吧 我今天才挣了60元 We should start pooling tips. 我们应该开始均分小费了 I'll second that. We all need to look out for each other. 我支持 我们得互相支持啊 All right, listen up. I want everyone to know 听着 你们得知道 That you have to declare your tips as income. 小费也得报税 I don't want the IRS coming after me for your dishonesty, 我可不想国税局因为
