




Write your movie review using the notes in 3b. 3c 本文为写自己所喜欢的电影的剧情回顾,因此,时态应用一般现在时态与一般过去时态; 首先,可介绍影片的类型,及主人公等; 然后,介绍故事的梗概; 最后,表达你对该影片的看法。 写作指导 The Lion King is a cartoon movie. It’s the most popular English movie in the world. The movie is about a young lion, Simba. He was the prince of the forest. But his uncle Scar wanted to be the king. So he killed Simba’s father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and had a big fight with his uncle. At last, Simba won and became the true king. 4 What do you and your partner think of these TV shows or movies? Write description words for each one. What do you think of soap operas? I think they’re boring! What about you? Me My partner soap operas talent shows news sports shows game shows talk shows comedies scary movies action movies cartoons A
