人教新目标课件unit4 I used to be afriad of the dark Section B (a-self check).ppt





unit 4

I used to be afriad of the dark.

Section B

Period 6 (3aself check);;;

;Example;;;根据短文内容及首字母提示写单词,补全短文,使短文内容通顺、完整。 My hometown used to look nice. People there (1) l_____ a quiet life. Although people didn’t have much (2) m_____, they lived happily. The water in the river was (3) c_____. At that time I often went fishing with my friends. And there were many trees on the mountains. In (4) a_____, there was a lot of fruit on the trees. We could eat as much as we liked. A few years later, a road was (5) b_____ through my hometown. More and more cars passed by. Then people began to (6) c____ down trees and build factories. Now people are much richer than they were in the past. But the pollution is getting more (7) s_____ day by day. Lots of fish in the river die and now there are (8) f___
