




2012 年中考英语考点 12 完形填空与阅读;plane and went to the shop with the money;③ A bark B to bark C barking D barked;⑥  A and B but C yet D too ;A a manager B a driver C a policeman D a dustman ;A Matt B Katie C Mr Laski D Anna and Carl 

2  What was Katie's problem in the story?;A family members often quarrel (争吵) about money

B Africans do not change their way of doing business

C Africans refuse to use money

D families do not help one another in the same way now 

[答案] D.;②  They had to get someone to make repair for ______ windows;D what happens when men speak;复数) in this  ____ 11 ____  of the country have one leg only, " the farmer answered

"Do you think I'm a fool(傻子)?" the king shouted"____ 12 ____ ," said the

farmer, &q
