Murdoch Mysteries《神探默多克(2008)》第十季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx





Oh... 真难闻... I presume this is it. 应该就是这里了 Oh yes, we're coming Under her now. 她就在前面 I got my floors all mixed up is all. 把我的地板搞的一团糟 When did you discover her? 你是什么时候发现她的 This morning. 今天早上 She's been in here quite some time, 她已经在这里待了一段时间了 mr. Grandy. 格兰迪先生 Do you know how many buildings 你知道我调查了 I look in on, son? You expect me 多少个建筑吗 小子 你指望我 To scour every floor every day? 每时每刻都在搜寻全国的地下室 I'll take it from here. 这里我接手了 If i need you, i'll come find you. 如果我有需要会去找你 All these stairs... 又得爬楼梯... Who's there? 谁在那 That is mine. 这个是我的 Detective william murdoch, toronto constabulary. 威廉·默多克探长 多伦多警署 Identify yourself. 你是谁 Howard philips lovecraft. 霍华德?飞利浦?洛夫克拉夫特 What are you doing here? 你在这里做什么 Visiting her, of course. 当然是来探望她 Hello, my dear. 你好啊 我亲爱的 Do not touch... 别碰...
