【人教PEP版】小学四年级下英语《小博士》多媒体课件Unit3 Part A(2).pptx





Unit 3 WeatherPart A Let’s spellLet's chantSummaryb/b/ p/p/ m/m/ f/f/d/d/ t/t/ n/n/ l/l/g/g/ k/k/ r/r/ h/h/s/s/ z/z/card[kɑ:d]I have a card.A card with a carcararmThe card is under the armararm ar carcard arar - /ɑ:/Look and say开着car(汽车)向着star(星星)路途far (遥远的)想变smart (聪明的)必须start (开始) 学习art (美术、艺术)Can you read ?star,chart,parkalarm,articleballI get a ball.The ball is on the wall.walltallThe wall is tall.al - /?:/ BeijingballalwallaltallalCan you read ?small,talk,all…Summaryar 发音/α: / arm car card al 发音/?:/ tall wall ball let’s chantDraw a ball on a card.Draw a small, small ball.Now draw a car on the card.Draw a car near a wall.Read,listen and chantRead,listen and numberLook,listen and writeartstararparkhardpartybarar--[ɑ:]Look and say 1mallsmallalcall walkhalltalkal--[?:]Look and say2Th
