冀教九上Unit3 Lesson14AccidentsHappen课件.ppt





Unit 3 Safety Lesson 14 Accidents Happen What happened? Car accidents. 事故,意外 accident 城镇 town 阿尔伯塔 Alberta 记者 reporter 滚动,〔使〕翻滚 roll fault icy ugly shoulder wound recover expect James Andrews n. 缺点;过错 adj. 结满冰的 adj. 丑陋的;难看的 n. 肩;肩膀 n. 伤;伤口 v. 恢复 v. 期待;盼望 詹姆斯〔人名〕 安德鲁斯〔姓氏〕 Listen and fill in the blanks Ann was hit by ________. The street was _____and the car couldn’t stop ________. Mr. Morin knows ________. Ann has a ________leg and an _______shoulder wound. Read and match the actions with the right person Thirteen-year-old Ann Brown was hit by a car at 15 Park Road. 本句运用了一般过去时的被动语态,其形式为“was/were+及物动词的过去分词〞。 She and her brother,James,were on their way to an early basketball practice. on the/one’way to意为“去……的路上〞,to遇到副词要省略。 We didn’t want to be late for practice. be late for…意为“迟到〞。for后接名词或代词,
