冀教九上Unit5 Lesson26KeeptheCandleBurning教学课件.ppt





;Think about it!

Do you think science is interesting? Why or why not?

2. Name one or two famous Chinese scientists. What do you know about them?;Let's do another experiment.; What do we need?;a candle;a big glass jar;a candleholder;a shallow dish with water;matches;a match;How do we do the experiment?

Let's read the text and fill in the blanks.;What is happening?;1) 分数由分子和分母两局部构成。用英语表达时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。

2) 如果分子为1,那么分母的序数词是单数形式,如果分子大于1,那么分母的序数词用复数形式。 ? = one (a) half 或 one second (one-second) ? = one (a)quarter 或 one-quarter;口 诀:

分子基,分母序。分子﹥1 ,分母加s 。;1. Practice the text in groups.

2. Finish the exercise on page 69.;Do the experiment what you want in groups.

Read about the experiment in this lesson.With a group of classmates,practice the experiment.Do your experiment in front of the
