人教PEP版五年级英语上册《Unit 6》全单元教学课件PPT优秀公开课课件.pptx





人教PEP版五年级英语上册Unit 6全单元精品教学课件人教PEP版英语五年级上册Unit 6 In a nature parkPart ALet’s try & Let’s talkWarm upSing a song: In a nature parkLead inLook and sayThere is a … on the table.Look and sayThere is/are … in the room.Let’s tryPresentationWhat’s in the park? Listen and tick the word you hear.forestlake river听力原文:ChenJie:Look at the map of the park.Mike:Is there a forest in the park?forest 森林ChenJie:Yes, there is. Here!Mike:Cool! I love trees.Let’s talkLook at the picture. What’s in the nature park?forest lake 湖泊boatsToday Miss White will take the children to the forest. Watch the video and answer the questions.1. Is there a river in the forest?No, there isn’t.2. Is there a lake in the forest?Yes, there is.Listen and repeat.MissWhite:Children, Let’s go to the forest!Children:Yeah!ZhangPeng:Is
