




Capturing the opportunity cost of disease

抓住疾病的机会成本 John Deen DVM, PhD, Dipl ABVP, ACAW 约翰·迪恩, 兽医博士 Major messages 主要信息

§ Disease economics is important 疾病经济很重要  We need to measure it 我们需要衡量它

§ Financial accounting is not set up to measure it 经 济财务方法并不能衡量它  Therefore underestimated 所以会低估

§ Disease economic effects are getting bigger疾病经 济的作用正逐渐加大

§ Disease economics involves capital and variable costs 疾病经济涉及到资本和可变成本

Components of variation of profits 利润变化的组成部分 The salesman question 销售人员问题

§ T here is a warehouse full of product t hat needs to be sold 一个装满待出售产品的仓库

§ If t he co mpa ny is los ing mo ney, s ho uld t he ma rket ing people be eliminated, or should it hire more? 如果公司亏 损,需要减少还是雇用更多的营销人员?

§ Why? Most of t he costs are already spent on t he product, the potential marginal prof it o
