Module 1 Unit 1要点与练习 课件2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上册.ppt





* 单元要点 Words: 1. human 1)adj. 人的;人类的: human nature 人性; (HR) Human Resources 人力资源; 人力资源部 2) n. 人;人类: (= human being pl. humans = human beings) 1. It seems to be human nature to worry.担忧似乎是人的本性。 2. Pets are good friends of humans / human beings. 2. inventor n. 发明家、发明者; invent v. 发明、创造; invention n. 发明、发明物 3. Edison was a famous American _______________. 4.Paper is one of the four great _____________in ancient China. 5. Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison ____________the electric light bulb. discover: 发现;invent:发明: Electricity was discovered by chance. inventor inventions invented 3. musician n. 音乐家、音乐演奏者 musical adj.音乐的;悦耳的 n. 音乐片、音乐剧 These ___________ will give us a performance next weekend. The Sound of Music is one of the world’s best-loved ______________ . *后缀-ian表名词, “某种人”: histo
