




positi on-relate d consumpti on of civil servants has bee n swept by finance, consumer, regar dless of cost, extravaga nce and waste in t he civil servi ce positi on-relate d consumpti on, a buse, corruption a nd em bezzl ement, corr upti on is importa nt. Then, under t he conditions of market econom y, how to reform the existing civil duty consum ption manageme nt, expl ores a source to prevent and c urb the post consum ption corrupti on way, is curre ntly a major issue faced by hone st work. Recently, I conducted r esear ch on t his i ssue , this pr oblem on some humbl e opini ons. First, the exi sting publi c serva nts ' duty consum ption the mai n pr obl ems see n from the inve stigation and reasons, i n recent year s, publi c serva nts ' duty consum ption ca use d by t he a
