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BPX水电站厂房及辅助设备系统设计 BPX水电站厂房及辅助设备系统设计 中文摘要 本次设计是对BPX水电站厂房和辅助设备系统的初步设计,主要内容包含两大部分:厂房部分和辅助设备部分。 厂房部分包括:主厂房尺寸的确定、枢纽及机电设备的布置、通道楼梯的布置、起重设备的选择及其辅助工具的选择计算等。 辅助设备部分包括:主阀、水轮机调节部分、油系统、压缩空气系统、技术供水系统、消防供水系统和排水系统。主阀部分主要包括:设置主阀的理由、选择主阀形式和尺寸、选择主阀的操作能源和重量。水轮机调节部分主要包括:调节保证计算、调速器及油压装置的型号及尺寸的确定。油系统主要包括:油系统类型和服务对象的确定、最大冲油量及全厂总冲油量的计算、储油设备、净油设备和输油设备的选择计算。压缩空气系统包括储气罐、空压机的选型计算。技术供水系统包括:水源和供水方式的选择、供水量的计算、供水设备的选择。消防供水系统包括:消防系统水源和供水方式的选择、消防供水量的计算、供水设备的选择。排水系统包括排水方案的拟定、排水量的计算、排水泵的选择。 关键词:主阀 绝缘油 透平油 储气罐 供水量 水泵 管道 厂房 发电机 水轮机 Abstract This design is to BPX hydropower plant and auxiliary equipment system of the preliminary design.the main contents include two parts: parts and auxiliary equipment of the plant. Workshop includes: main workshop size calculation,determine the equipment layout of auxiliary equipment room,channels of the stairs,etc. Hydraulic unit auxiliary equipment parts including the main valve, hydraulic turbine regulating, oil system, compressed air system, technical water supply system, fire water supply and drainage system. The main valve part mainly includes: set up the reason of the main valve, the main valve form, appearance size, selection of operating energy, and weight. Turbine regulating part mainly includes: adjusting guarantee calculation, governor and oil pressure unit of the determination of types and sizes. Oil system mainly includes: system type and determination of the service object, use of oil and the coordination of total oil amount of computation, storage equipment, oil cleaning equipment and the equipment selection calculation. Compressed air system including air tank, the type s


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