辽宁省大连市铁路中学高中英语 Module 2 my new teacher listenging课件 外研版必修1.ppt





* 外研社 第一册 Module 2 My new teacher Listening revision n.复习 exam n. 考试 translation n. 翻译 Timetable n. 时间表 period n. 一段时间 headmaster n. 校长 headmistress n. 女校长 topic n. 话题 vacation n.假期 Activity 1 . Answer the questions about the words in the box? How many revision do you do before an exam? 2) Do you do a lot of translation in your language classes? 3) Do you have ant free periods in your timetable 4) Is the head of your school a headmaster or a headmistress? 5)How much time do you spend in the school library? 6)Do you do different topics in your language classes? 7) How much vacation do you have? Listen to the conversation for the first time Mr S: That’s eight of you. So the rest of you would prefer to do revision, is that right? Chorus of voices: Yes. Mr S: That’s sixteen of you. So that’s s
