




How many English names do you know? Bob Dale Eric Frank Paul …… Kate Mary Linda Jane Sally …… My family Hi, I’m Jenny. Here are two nice photos of my family. My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo. These are my parents, Alan and Mary. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob And Eric. These two girls are my sister and my cousin Helen. Coco is in my family, too. 嗨,我是珍妮。 在这里是两张漂亮的照片属于我的家庭。 我的祖父和祖母是在第一张照片里。 这些是我的父母,艾伦和玛丽。 在下一张照片是我的兄弟们,鲍勃和埃里克 这两个女孩是我的妹妹辛迪和堂妹海伦。 可可也在我的家庭里。 一、单项选择 1. —Is that your sister Anna? —No, ______ isn’t. A. it B. she C. he 2. My aunt Alice and my mother are _________. A. sisters B. brother C. brothers 3. —Are these your grandparents? —Yes, _____ are. A. these B. they C. those 4. —_______ that boy? —He's my friend Jack. A. Is B. What's C. Who&apos
