选修6Unit 2知能演练轻松闯关.doc





eq \o(\s\up7(),\s\do5())Ⅰ.单句语法填空

1.Let your child know that you expect him or her to act ____________ (appropriate) toward other people.

答案:[导学 appropriately

2.Patients with heart failure are told to follow strict diets because ____________ (salt) foods worsen the condition.

答案:[导学 salty

3.Any behaviour that is repeated enough times will ____________ (eventual) become a habit and happen automatically.

答案:[导学 eventually

4.The head office of the bank is in Beijing,but it has ____________ (branch) all over the country.

答案:[导学 branches

5.With so many people ____________ (communicate) in English every day,we can see it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.

答案:[导学 communicating

6.As a teacher rich in experience,he knows how ____________ (convey) his ideas to the st
