选修7Unit 3知能演练轻松闯关.doc






1.—Where do you plan to work?

—I’ve made up my mind to go ____________ I’m most needed.

答案:[导学 where

2.The boys were still standing there,too shocked and____________ (scare) to move.

答案:[导学 scared

3.He came late because he was held____________ in the traffic jam.

答案:[导学 up

4.____________(abandon) to playing computer games,Wang Ping has fallen behind the other students in his studies.

答案:[导学 Abandoned

5.We felt at home with her and were impressed with the____________ (deep) of her knowledge.

答案:[导学 depth

6.With economy developing at great speed,our city____________ (witness) quite a few changes in recent years.

答案:[导学 has witnessed

7.A lack of____________ (aware) of cultural difference to local customs can cause problems.

答案:[导学 awareness

8.More and more people urge the government_
