高三英语一轮复习精品课件12:Unit 4 Making the news.pptx





Unit 4 Making the news ;一、重点单词

1. concentrate ['k?ns?ntreit] vt.集中;聚集concentration n. 集中;专心

(1)Authority was concentrated in the president. 政权集于总统一身。

(2)She couldn’t concentrate on a book very long. 她不能长时间专心读一本书。;归纳: with deep concentration专心 concentrate one’s attention on/upon 把注意力集中 在……;2. course [k?:s] n.过程;进程;课程;一道菜

(1)a course of medical treatments 医学治疗的一个疗程

(2)a short-term course 短期班

(3)a dinner of five courses 有五菜的正餐;3. trade [treid] vi.交易, 买卖,经商,对换, 购物vt.用……进行交换;n.行业;贸易;商业

(1)She is engaged in trade.她经商。

(2)England trades with nearly all the countries in the world. 英国几乎与世界上所有的国家进行贸易往来。;归纳:trade in…做……生意, 经营 trade sth. for sth.以……换取…… trade sth. with sb. 同某人交换某物;4. defend [di'fend] vt. 防护,辩护

(1) defend the motherland保卫祖国

(2) The accused man had a lawyer to defend him. 被告有一
