浙江省温州市啸秋中学高一英语必修2课件:Unit 2 The Olympic Games language points(人教版).ppt





* * Unit 2 English around the world Language points 1.More than =over (P9) 1) More than +数词 “多于……” 我认识大卫有二十多年了。 I have known David for more than 20 years. 2) More than +n. “不只是 , 不仅仅” 杰克不仅是一个老师,他还是一个作家。 Jack is more than a teacher ; he is a writer, too. 3)More than one+n. “不止一个” 作主语 谓动为单 不止一个人有这本书。 More than one person has this book. No more…than… 和……一样不(都否定) Jack is no more clever than me. 杰克和我一样不聪明。 Not more…than… 不如 (前者不如后者) Jack is not more clever than me. 杰克不如我聪明。 Language points in Reading Paragraph 1 …people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that... 1. make a voyage (to sw.) make a journey (to sw.) make a trip ( to sw.) 航海旅行 远距离旅行 短途旅行 voyage: 去国外或海上旅行 journey: 指较远的从一地到另一地陆路旅行 travel: 一系列的旅程,尤指旅行的概念 不可数trip: (短途)旅行 tour: 参观多处名胜的旅行 1). It is
