




amende d Decre e No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council prom ulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 People's Republi c of Chi na regulati ons on r oad transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production lice nse Ordi nance, pr omulgated by Decre e No. 406 of the State Council prom ulgated by De cree of the State Council , No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety acci dent re porting , investigation and ha ndli ng of Or dinance promulgate d by De cree No. 493, 12 of the State Council reg ulations on speci al equipme nt safety supe rvision 2009.05.01 amended Decre e No. 373 State Council De cree No. 549, 13 i nsura nce reg ulations regardi ng industrial i njurie s 2011.01.01 amendment, pr omulgated by Decre e No. 586 of the State Council prom ulgated by De cree No. 375, 14 a dministration of pre cur
